A new year is a good time to renew commitments! What about renewing our commitment to reading the Bible consistently?
A new year is a good time to renew commitments! What about renewing our commitment to reading the Bible consistently?
There is only one thing in life that never changes: Jesus and His love for us!
The old things of this world — TV shows, fashions, etc. — seem to always come back. Only God never needs a comeback!
The weather may change on a dime. We may experience all four seasons in one day. The common expression may be, “If you don’t like the weather, wait 20 minutes”. But Jesus NEVER changes…
God sends change; but only when it is for our good.
Sometimes we cling too long to the past hurts and sins. In Jesus name be free so you can enjoy your new life.
Sometimes change makes us fearful of the unexpected. We thrive in sameness and are rocked by change. There is only one thing that never changes and that is our Lord, Jesus Christ.