Grace Extensions

God’s Grace

Galatians 6:10 - Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (NIV)My wife died in April, and I found myself alone in a two-bedroom apartment, trying to recover from prostate surgery, with...

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Rightfully Accused

The sky was dark. Threatening cumulus clouds billowed directly overhead and I knew that it would only be minutes before it began to pour. My heart was no brighter. My most horrid sin, something too abominable to even mention in public, was also threatening to overcome...

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Humble Grace

James 4: 6 “But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."A couple of Sundays ago, I preached from the pulpit about Xiao Min, the Chinese peasant farmer’s daughter who has written 900 hymns for the...

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Home Going

Psalm 106:15 “And He gave them their requests, but sent leanness to their souls.”As Pastor Charles Stanley says, the greater profit of prayer is not that we can gain something, but that we can relate to the One who supplies all our needs.Contemporaries of mine have...

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Crying Over Exploded Milk

With a houseful of teens, it would totally frighten you to know how much milk I have to buy in a week. Let's just say that sometimes it takes two or three of us to push the cart. When you buy so many gallons at a time, one of them is bound to get missed somewhere...

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The Speed of Grace

With that in mind, my wife and I finally summoned the courage to watch Saving Private Ryan, Steven Spielberg's haunting window on the days surrounding the Allied invasion at Omaha Beach. When the film was first released, war veterans broke down in theaters, many...

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Grace That Overcomes Anger

2 Corinthians 12:7b - Therefore, to keep me from being too elated, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me, to keep me from being too elated. (NRSV)I was driving down the Interstate and had an arterial venial malformation -- a leak in my...

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