Doesn’t it so often happen that we experience God in an exponential way … And then we fall quite suddenly back into our human nature… Praise God for His grace!
Doesn’t it so often happen that we experience God in an exponential way … And then we fall quite suddenly back into our human nature… Praise God for His grace!
Keep your eyes on Jesus and he will guide you. And more than that, if we wander away, He will keep calling us until we respond!
What would happen if you allowed yourself to be “zapped” by God’s grace?
So many times we think we know what’s best and forget that God can see the whole picture.
So many times we think we know what’s best and forget that God can see the whole picture.
No debemos dejar de hacer el bien. Recibiremos también una cosecha de bien.
We must not give up doing good. We will receive a harvest of good also.