God’s Grace

by | May 21, 2007 | Grace, Prayer

Galatians 6:10 – Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers. (NIV)

My wife died in April, and I found myself alone in a two-bedroom apartment, trying to recover from prostate surgery, with my only child working overseas. The third day after the operation, I was a complete jelly and found myself totally wiped out. God, however, had seen my need and sent me assistance in the form of young woman parishioner from my church, who came alongside me and organized my trip to the emergency department. Before sending me home, the nurse outfitted me with a new leg bag for my catheter. In doing so, she shortened the stock issue hose and reinserted the connecting nipple, securing the whole with pink plastic sticky tape. The doctor strongly felt that I should not be left alone, and so my friend took me to her house for the night.

The next day being Sunday, she left me comfortable in her living room with her two dogs while she went to church. Sitting there reading a book, I suddenly realized that things had gone terribly wrong with the catheter plumbing, forcing me to beat a hasty retreat to her downstairs bathroom. There, with great difficulty, I was able to unravel the tape, to find that the hose fitting had parted. I was able to put things back together, but had no tape to hold it together. I was hobbling around in a strange house, holding things together with one hand, wondering where I could find medical tape, duct tape, anything, and really feeling quite desperate. I was standing at a loss in the living room when the malamute-cross dog came down the stairs carrying something in his mouth. He dropped this about a foot from my slipper — a plastic bobbin of 3M Magic Tape! When my hostess came home and I told her about it, she said that she had no idea that she had a roll of this tape upstairs, and that this particular dog was not given to carrying things in his mouth.

I have no idea how God was able to send that dog to help me that day — it remains purely a miracle. When such a miracle occurs, I feel that it is our duty to glorify God by making it known. This type of experience can restore the often-flagging faith of the believer, and it stands as a magnificent display of God’s grace in action.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for those times when You come to our rescue, often without our even thinking of praying about a situation. Sometimes, Your answer is already on the way before we even think to pray about it. We praise You for those miracles that reinforce our faith and remind us of Your everlasting love for us in Christ, in Whose name we pray. Amen.

George Millett geomax@shaw.ca

Mission, British Columbia, Canada

Thanks to http://daily.presbycan.ca 


God’s Grace


