With a houseful of teens, it would totally frighten you to know how much milk I have to buy in a week. Let’s just say that sometimes it takes two or three of us to push the cart. When you buy so many gallons at a time, one of them is bound to get missed somewhere along the way. That “somewhere along the way” happened at exactly the wrong time of the year. A few months ago we had loaded about eight gallons of milk into the car, but never noticed that only seven made it into the house. That lost gallon was in the floor of the minivan under the last seat, lurking and plotting its evil attack.
It was in the hottest days of summer and, of all times for the minivan to need a repair or two, that happened to be the week we had to put it in the shop. Three days in the shop. Three days of temperatures over a hundred degrees. The milk swelled up and- horror of horrors- exploded all over the car! Oh, the humanity. It lobbed milk shrapnel all over the entire back seat. Milk? No, maybe it was closer to CHEESE. And the smell! It was something like a barf-and-old-socks combo, with cabbage. It made its way into every single nook and cranny of the vehicle. The milk/cheese cleanup was nothing compared to the stench fallout we had to deal with for weeks. My eyes are watering just thinking about it. Oh well, there’s no use in crying over spilled cheese.
There’s a certain cool driving look. All the windows are down, the left elbow edges just outside the window; the right hand hangs casually over the steering wheel. Of course, it’s not nearly as cool when you’re in a MINIVAN. But we still got plenty of chances to get the cool look down. We’re talking about a lot of time riding with the windows down.
Taking care of sin issues in our lives is even more important than taking every gallon of milk inside the house. When left to simmer, they can explode all kinds of ugliness in our lives, and it can spill right over into the lives of those around us.
God is so gracious and forgiving when we confess even the biggest sin detonation in our lives. Psalm 51:1-2 says, “Generous in love- God, give grace! Huge in mercy- wipe out my bad record. Scrub away my guilt, soak out my sins in your laundry.” (TM) Nope, holding onto sin is definitely not cool. Letting Him scrub away that stench is glorious- it’s better even than that new car smell! Now that’s cool!
As for us, we’re still exercising a lot of “coolness” riding with the windows down. It’s still cold out. We’re a little too cool.
Rhonda Rhea rrhea@juno.com
Rhonda Rhea is the author of “Who Put the Cat in the Fridge” and other insanely fun books, including “Amusing Grace” and “Turkey Soup for the Soul–Tastes Just Like Chicken.” She is a radio personality and humor columnist and speaks at conferences and events nationwide. Rhonda lives in the St. Louis area with her pastor/husband and their five children. Find out more at www.RhondaRhea.net.