Dear Jesus:Even our contrite hearts are wickedUntil you change them.How can it beThat we may be raised up with YouAnd seated in heavenly placesWhile these hearts remainIn this sad state?We are called to shareIn the reality of Your death.And die we must...To self, to...
A SongFrom sunrise to the sunsetYour mercies never ceaseThe joys of walking close to YouFrom day to day increaseToday Your mercy showers rainSoaking through my soulAnd once again I freely giveMy life to Your controlYour Body broken for usIn the symbol of the breadYour...
Jesus, I'm so in love with You.Jesus, I love everything You do.When will I see Your lovely face?When will everything fall in place?I gave that man the extra coat.That same one to whom I gave my cloak.Jesus, I want to walk the extra mile.Jesus, I want to make You...
The Book says that we're made from dustAnd back to dirt must go.When life is ended here on earthFor all men, high or low. But You can take this pile of dustAnd make it into clayFrom which to form a masterpiece. I give you leave, today. Take Your Living Water,...
(Isaiah 45: 22, "Look to Me and be saved, All you ends of the earth. For I am God and there is no other.") Keep me safe, My God, My trust is in Your Hand. You are my cup and portion As I live within this land. My heart cries deep within me, "You, You are the...
There is a place of quiet rest,Of joy and love and peaceDeep within the Father's heartWhere all my terrors cease. |At will I humbly throw myself Into His welcoming arms.Sheltered there within His loveI'm safe from evil's harms. If you have nowhere else to goWhen...
Sing me a River song.This crystal bright streamFlows straight from the ThroneCoursing down the agesTo wash the centuries,To refresh the thirsty soulsStanding under the waterfallWhose mouths gape unashamedlyTo receive Its pure, clear liquid.Sing me a River songAbout...