To think that our God delights in his children and sings loudly over us, it blows the mind!
To think that our God delights in his children and sings loudly over us, it blows the mind!
As Christmas becomes cluttered with things of the world, Lord, help us keep our eyes on the manger of Bethlehem.
Does your faith seem to be missing in action? Jesus, who is always faithful, is waiting to meet us where we are!
If you forget things, you are in good company. Only Jesus never forgets! He is always there, always present, always loving us.
Surrender to God’s faithfulness may not bring an immediate solution, but it brings safety as we feel His love surrounding us. It means we can sit back and watch Him be God!
No matter what is going on in your life, God will never fail you or give up on you. Don’t give up on Him!
No matter how Satan tries to hide the Light from us, Jesus will always shine through the darkness.