The Search for Mission

Teddy Stollard

Dale Galloway tells the story of a young boy named Teddy Stollard. He was not the kind of kid who got invited to parties. He slouched in his chair and looked bored most of the time; he only spoke when called upon, and then in monosyllables. He never dressed right; he...

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Failing in Grade School

Somebody once asked Winston Churchill what most prepared him to risk political suicide by speaking out against Hitler during the years of appeasement in the mid-1930s, then to lead Great Britain against Nazi Germany. Churchill said it was the time he had to repeat a...

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A Woman Named Henrietta Mears

Miss Mears taught college-age, single young people for decades at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. She was a formative influence on the life of a whole generation of Christian leaders including Billy Graham, Bill Bright, former Senate Chaplain Richard Halverson, and...

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Stress-Free Amoeba

Too much comfort is dangerous. Literally. Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley did an experiment sometime ago that involved introducing an amoeba into a perfectly stress-free environment. Ideal temperature, optimal concentration of moisture,...

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Sometime ago we were eating dinner with some friends in their backyard. They had a blue light set up, and periodically we would hear a ZZZZZap sound buzzing in the night. We asked what it was."It's the sound of bugs hitting a bug zapper. The light attracts them, they...

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John Ortberg


