¿Por qué a veces Dios escucha y responde nuestras oraciones, a veces escuchamos claramente Su voz, pero no siempre? ¿Podría tener algo que ver conmigo?
¿Por qué a veces Dios escucha y responde nuestras oraciones, a veces escuchamos claramente Su voz, pero no siempre? ¿Podría tener algo que ver conmigo?
What New Year’s resolutions have you made this year? Will you join me in resolving to let God pick out your hidden sin?
Don’t you wish that our lives came with a “Robo-Vac” — to keep all of our daily sin under control? Good news! It does!
Feeling trapped in sin? God already made the way out!
Christmas has passed; but God’s gift of salvation from sin is being offered continually…
Without Jesus, we are doomed to failure!
Each of us has a specific amount of energy for each day, and it is very important how we direct it. Where is your energy directed today?