Cigarette Paper

Arrested as a Spy

The following true story relates to a man who went from England to America, and thence to Cuba. He had not been in Cuba long before the Cuban war of 1867 broke out, and he was arrested as a spy. He knew nothing about what he was arrested for, as he could not...

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The Cleared Road

A North Dakota blizzard was howling outside Dr. Thompson's office one night. About nine o'clock the phone rang."Can you come out to my place?" Tony Sebastian was on the other end. "My boy is running a high fever and is unconscious. It's impossible for us to get in to...

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Dr. Chapin

On a certain occasion, the eloquent Dr. E. H. Chapin, being sick, was compelled to ask a friend to preach for him. As the stranger rose to announce the opening hymn, a score of persons rose to go out. This clergyman also was equal to such an emergency."All," he said,...

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The Dying Garden

A story is told of a king who went into his garden one morning and found everything withering and dying. He asked an oak that stood near the gate what the trouble was. He found that it was sick of life and determined to die because it was not tall and beautiful like...

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Empty Room

A story is told of a Gospel minister, long before the days of railroads, who was traveling on horseback from Philadelphia to Pittsburg. He stopped over night at a tavern among the mountains of Pennsylvania, and after supper asked the landlord some questions about the...

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From Signs of the Times


