Now I Belong to Him!

The Volunteer

Many years ago when sailing vessels crossed the sea, one left an American port for Liverpool. All went well for a few days and there was every prospect of a pleasant voyage, when a storm broke in fury about the little craft, tossing it upon the waves until it seemed...

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The Town Drunk

While I was a student at Southern Baptist Seminary, I was invited to preach a trial sermon in view of a call to a mission in Moscow, Ohio. The sermon was to be preached at the sponsoring church in Felicity, Ohio. The pastor was Walter Routh; who later went to Vietnam...

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The Trial

The scales are unbalanced from the onset. One look at the jurors' faces convinces her of that. The courtroom is crowded with angry, vengeful, spectators. In her anxiety, it takes a while to recognize that everyone, excluding herself, is male.Caught engaging in the...

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Watch Out for Charlie

Not many pastors can claim to have been a pastor in Moscow, but during my seminary days that is where God opened a door of ministry for me on weekends. Moscow, OHIO that is. My wife and I would travel up from Louisville Saturday and return Sunday night.Early on we...

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Washing the Sheep

The story is told of a young girl in the highlands of Scotland who came one day to her church to make her confession of faith and to be received into membership. On being asked some hard, theological questions, according to the custom in those days, she felt herself...

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