Colors of the Heart

For the Children

There is nothing more heartbreaking than to walk the halls of Children's Hospital and see all the children who are so ill. It breaks your heart to see young children on chemo, so pale. And it will grab your heart and twist it inside out when you walk into a room with...

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The Little Boy in the Portrait

IN MEMORY of my son Andy Dunbar January 22, 1972 - October 24, 1977 Gone but never forgotten My AndyIn 1977, I lost my only child, a son, age 5, in an accident. To those who have lost a child, you know the feeling of depression, loneliness, and heartache so intense. I...

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Santa Can’t Come This Year

It was the week before Christmas, 1986. I was a divorced mom raising two small children alone without any child support or help from my ex-husband. Rough times had hit that year. I was laid off from my job in November and I knew there wasn't going to be much, if...

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She Was There

I can't remember exactly how old I was when I realized she was there. She used to tell me she always remembered the day she met me, but I was so much younger than she.When I was little, she always seemed to be there. When that mean little boy who lived on the next...

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I’ll Miss Him

I've heard about the "empty nest" feelings. I've sat and listened to those who told of how their lives changed once their nest became empty. My nest will be empty on Wednesday.It's such a strange feeling to go through your cupboards and linen closets digging out...

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A Christmas Story

It was the winter of '61. I was 15 years old, not old enough to drive. I was spending some time with my grandmother at her lake place during my time off from school in Holly, Michigan. Grandpa had died that year and she lived alone. She was 65 that year.Grandma was...

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Sharon Bryant


