Looking for the Master Craftsman? Why not seek the God of the universe?
Looking for the Master Craftsman? Why not seek the God of the universe?
What are YOUR special talents? Whatever they are, God CAN use them for His glory!
I read about some mouth-watering sourdough bread made at a bakery in San Francisco.It hadn't been replicated anywhere else. As it turns out, there was a secret to the taste that had nothing to do with the recipe. As Larry Osborne explains, "It's a bacterium that...
I was lying on my back this morning doing a few light exercises hoping to coax a little more energy into my aging body to face another day. As I was doing them, however, my eyes and mind started to wander. I looked up at an old picture of me and my children back when...
“The real tragedy of life is not in being limited to one talent, but in the failure to use the one talent.” (Edgar W. Work)It’s all very well to be impressed by the contributions that are made by the world’s leaders, the great men and women, the five talent people who...
"He has identified us as his own by placing the Holy Spirit in our hearts as the first installment that guarantees everything he has promised us." (2 Corinthians 1:22 NLT)They lay alongside the roadside, waiting for a lawnmower to crush them or for some boy to pick...
1 Corinthians 12:4-5 - There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. (NIV)God has blessed each of us with unique gifts. Some of us have great gifts, such as in teaching, healing sickness, or in giving...