The birth of Jesus was the most important birth that ever happened. History longed for such a blessed miracle. Even angels rejoiced at this amazing miracle of God.
The birth of Jesus was the most important birth that ever happened. History longed for such a blessed miracle. Even angels rejoiced at this amazing miracle of God.
Kindness is always on the menu along with the blessed fruits of the spirit.
Most of us seek blessing and favour. What if we were to make it our life’s purpose to – BE a blessing?
God’s “love letter” to us: The Bible! Will we read it as eagerly as we read letters we receive via mail or email?
What if you had a small, nearly invisible spot of skin cancer? You’d want it gone! What about the small, nearly invisible pet sins?
Being content where we are and what we have is hard to find in this world. Paul was content wherever he was.
We must finish our race well, though times are difficult sometimes. It will be worth it to see His smiling face.