We all love gifts… but what if the best one is the one that isn’t even wrapped?
We all love gifts… but what if the best one is the one that isn’t even wrapped?
We are all thankful for the physical lights and God’s Spiritual light of guidance. But God calls us, not just to appreciate light, but to BE light!
Has your curiosity ever gotten you into trouble? There is one kind of curiosity that will always pay good dividends…
Dusting: It isn’t the most pleasant job in the world, especially when you can’t tell you did it two minutes later. Yet dust has some very important qualities, ones that can serve to remind us of the Great Commission!
What are YOUR special talents? Whatever they are, God CAN use them for His glory!
Tired of the “You done it – No YOU done it!” routine? Maybe it wasn’t either of you…
What happens when we call out to God in our time of need?