
While running the trails in the mountains of Montana today, I ran into someone… it was God.The weather is starting to turn now. Fall is in the air, the leaves are hitting the ground, and the snow will soon be here. I decided I’d better mow the yard one more time. We...

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Let the Reason Be Love

Sometimes we are blind to see the goodness of our spouses and deaf to hear their kind words for us.My husband is an Engineer by profession, I love him for his steady nature, and I love the warm feeling when I lean against his broad shoulders.Three years of courtship...

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Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself

Thou shall love thy neighbor as thy self. Mark 12:31. There is none other commandment greater than this. God chose to teach me this lesson, one day. I always thought I was a pretty good Christian. I try very hard to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. However,...

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Ripples in the Pond

Some years ago, while I was in college, several of my friends benefited directly from a professor who taught them by example. Sister Mary Consuela, IHM, used to tell her students at Immaculata, "I throw the pebbles girls, and you have to make the ripples." She...

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She Lied!

I work full time, I have a great husband and a 15 year old son. I'm the president of the local soccer association. I teach Sunday school. I have a garden. I teach one night a week. And I love doing it all.I also take care of my mother in our home.When I was young,...

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