No matter what, keep hope alive! We have this hope as an anchor for our souls…
No matter what, keep hope alive! We have this hope as an anchor for our souls…
Sometimes the answers in life are right before us but our eyes are blinded from truth. May we always find our hope in the Lord who has the answers.
A veces, las respuestas en la vida están ante nosotros, pero nuestros ojos están cegados ante la verdad. Que siempre encontremos nuestra esperanza en el Señor que tiene las respuestas.
In times like these we need Jesus our anchor in the storm. Be sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock.
With Christmas almost over for another year, are you feeling a bit down? Let’s remember that the New Born King gives us hope… All year long!
Most of us want complete control of our lives, and when we lose that control, we fall apart. But God says, “My Grace is sufficient!”
Did you ever think of our journey here like an overnight stay? What do we hang on to until we go home? Hopefully we reach for the Holy Hand of Jesus to comfort us.