"Open my eyes that I may see…" (Ps 119:18 NIV)Have you ever been utterly surrounded by deep, bone-chilling fog? All you can see is…fog and more fog! You can't even see your own hand, unless you put it right in front of your face. Have you noticed that during such...
What do we do when we face the impossible? How do we react when hope has completely fizzled out? Where do we turn when we are at the end of our rope?We can learn so much from an unnamed man living in Jesus' day. He caused quite a commotion when he asked Jesus'...
"Then the disciples came to Jesus in private and asked, 'Why couldn't we drive it out?'" (Matt 17:19 NIV)Jesus' disciples were baffled. They had been unable to drive a demon out of a youngster. The "why" question was haunting them, just as it often haunts us!The...
It all started out with a question from Jesus' disciples: "Why couldn't we drive it out?" (Matt 17:19 NIV)Only after they truly believed: "You believe at last!" (John 16:31 NIV), did mountains start to move. "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say...
It all started with this statement: "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." (Matthew 17:20...
Geodes are so beautiful inside. Did you ever wonder how these crystals form inside of these volcanic rocks?It all starts with a bubble. This can either be a bubble of air, or the hollow remains of an animal or tree root.Next, visualize that this bubble becomes...
"Are you sure you want leave such a beautiful country to go to a place you hardly know?"It was my mother-in-law's question to me as my wife and I were saying our goodbyes in California before leaving for Canada.Seven years before I experienced heavy doubts as well. I...