I have witnessed miracles of healing as God met with people. In 1980 I was on another of my many journeys into Guatemala. On one occasion my wife, another couple and I were ministering to an elderly lady who had recently been saved. We had gone to her home to share...
I heard a minister in Fort Worth, Texas tell the story of another pastor who years ago received divine protection as a result of prayer-building walls or boundaries of protection (paga). This pastor had developed the discipline of beginning every day with an hour of...
Christ, the scapegoat, bearing our curse is well illustrated by a story I read in the book What It Will Take to Change the World by S. D. Gordon. The following is my paraphrase of this story about a couple who discovered that their 14-year-old son had lied to them....
I knew the person I was going to pray for was very ill. What I didn't know was that she was comatose with a tracheostomy in her throat, a feeding tube in her stomach and had been in that condition for a year and a half. Seeing her for the first time was like expecting...
Several years ago in Guatemala, a friend of mine pointed out a vibrant, healthy young woman and told me the following story. When he first saw her just a few months prior to this time, she was paralyzed from the neck down. She could move her head slightly, but could...
This verse came alive for me when my friend Mike Anderson made the following statement: "Sometimes the covenant of the Lord is released to you through others coming to your aid." At the time Mike and his wife were missionaries in Jamaica. The statement was made on the...
Let me illustrate. In 1977, while praying about an upcoming journey to Guatemala, I heard the words: On this trip, represent Jesus to the people.At first I rebuked the voice, thinking it was an evil spirit trying to deceive me. But the voice came again, this time...