Paralyzed From the Neck Down

by | Jun 1, 1999 | Healing, Intercession, Miracles

Several years ago in Guatemala, a friend of mine pointed out a vibrant, healthy young woman and told me the following story. When he first saw her just a few months prior to this time, she was paralyzed from the neck down. She could move her head slightly, but could not speak. “The young lady has been this way for two years,” my friend was informed by her pastor. “And the puzzling thing is that the doctors can find nothing physically wrong with her to create such a problem.”

My friend, who was visiting the church as a guest speaker, discerned that the cause was demonic. Not knowing the church’s position about such matters, he discreetly approached this wheelchair-bound young lady, knelt next to her and whispered in her ear. As he did he was going between (intercession) her and the powers of darkness, meeting them with the power of Christ. He prayed: “Satan, I break (luo) your hold over this young lady in the name of Jesus. I command you to loose (luo) your hold over her and let her go.” (Parenthetical words are mine.)

No manifestation or immediate change occurred. A week later, however, she was able to move her arms a little. The following week she was moving her arms normally and her legs slightly. The recovery continued for a month until she was totally free and well.

She then told my friend the following details about the cause of her condition and why the doctors could find no reasonable explanation. “A teacher in my school who was also a witch doctor made a sexual advance toward me, which I refused. He grew angry and told me that if I didn’t have sex with him, he would place a curse on me.”

She knew nothing about such things and didn’t think much about it. A short time later, however, this condition of paralysis came upon her. Her inability to speak prevented her from communicating with anyone about what had taken place.

What happened to bring about this girl’s freedom? An individual stepped between this young lady and the powers of darkness, meeting them in the name of Jesus, enforcing His victory. That …is intercession!

Intercessory Prayer by Dutch Sheets, p.57-58. 1996, Gospel Light/Regal Books, Ventura, CA 93003. Used by Permission


Paralyzed From the Neck Down


