Riches and Poverty

I Had the World

Ask Muhammed Ali.You know Ali, the unprecedented three-time world heavyweight boxing champion. His face has appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated more times than any other athlete. When he was "floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee," he was king of...

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What is Your Price?

Attending a game show wasn't your idea of a vacation activity, but your kids wanted to go, so you gave in. Now that you're here, you are beginning to enjoy it. The studio frenzy is contagious. The music is upbeat. The stage is colorful. And the stakes are high."Higher...

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The Wealthiest Man

There is a story of a wealthy man named Karl who loved to ride his horse over his vast estate and congratulate himself on his good fortune. On one such ride, he came across an old tenant farmer named Hans. Hans had just stopped to eat his lunch in the shade of a great...

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The Bathtub

This last Wednesday night I wanted to take a nice hot bath and read a book that was loaned to me called: "Reaching the Summit," by Pat Summitt. (The University of Tennessee's Head Women's Basketball Coach)I was tired and a little stressed, and all I wanted to do was...

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The Blue Hummingbird

Once, long ago, there was a young boy who lived in a distant land called Tandow. He was a cheerful lad with not a care in the world. A special friend had he, the little blue hummingbird. Now this little boy didn't have a lot of great friends, but the little bird and...

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The Crash

"I was confronted with a knee surgery two years back when I was out with some of my friends late in the night drinking. I was totally drunk and riding to get more liquor when I crashed up and saw my left leg broken into pieces.The bottom half of my leg was still there...

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