Casa Loma

What Is Important?

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" (Mark 8:36 KJV) During the recent pandemic, there are many comments appearing about people re-evaluating what is important. It reminded me of a personal experience almost 50...

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More, More, More…

I was sitting at my kitchen table sipping my morning coffee while the news played on the television. Suddenly, a long series of commercials came on. Each one droned on the drumbeat of more, more, more. They urged us to buy more, to have more, and to do more. Finally I...

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The Prison of Want

Come with me to the most populated prison in the world. The facility has more inmates than bunks. More prisoners than plates. More residents than resources.Come with me to the world's most oppressive prison. Just ask the inmates; they will tell you. They are...

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