It is easy to convince yourself that God doesn't care about the little things and that we shouldn't even be bothering Him with such trivia. After all, He IS God of the universe. He doesn't have time to worry about every detail of our lives!But God does care about...
Last week, in God Guides, Part 1, we looked at a striking example of how God guides, even with the little stuff, in the story of how we decided to get a kitten, what kind of a kitten, and from where. But it wasn't until we looked back at the timing if it all that we...
In GOD GUIDES, Parts 1 and 2, I told the story of how God cares enough to give us guidance every step of every decision we have to make. All we have to do is ask. And in the end, His timing is ALWAYS right!But though we had finally made the decision to purchase a...