The Ant and the Feather

Heaven’s Arithmetic

There was once a king who wanted to build a church that would honor him. He would personally supervise the work and only he would provide the money for its erection. The glory was to be his, and it was intended that by this means his name would be revered and...

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The Importance of Dust

About one hundred years ago a famous British naturalist, Dr. Alfred Russell Wallace, wrote a fascinating chapter in one of his books entitled “The Importance of Dust.”I don’t know about you, but I have never considered dust to be important. Someone once said that dust...

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Pope Pius the Ninth

Pope Pius the Ninth once received a letter very different from the many he received every day. It was written on a plain sheet of paper; there were ink spots on it, crossed out words, and spelling mistakes. A very young boy living in a suburb of Rome had sent it. The...

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Positive Thinking

I read of an old man of eighty-seven who was killed in an accident. The autopsy revealed that he had been suffering from several diseases, any one of which could have killed him many years previously. His widow was asked the secret of his long life. She replied...

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The Irish people can remember well the terrible potato famine that wiped out a million people around 150 years ago. You can read the graphic story in Leon Uris’ blockbuster novel, ‘Trinity’. Many hundreds of thousands left Ireland for the New World, or Australia and...

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When Madame Tussaud's Waxworks Exhibition at Baker Street, London, was burned down, all the kings and queens and famous people melted and ran. They melted because they were made of wax. They were not real people but they looked remarkably lifelike. If you have ever...

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Ron Clarke


