MinistriesLos doce días de Navidad: ¿Nada más que una canción tonta? ¿O podría ser la plataforma de lanzamiento para que comencemos el nuevo año firmemente arraigados en nuestra fe?
MinistriesLos doce días de Navidad: ¿Nada más que una canción tonta? ¿O podría ser la plataforma de lanzamiento para que comencemos el nuevo año firmemente arraigados en nuestra fe?
¿Tu fruto espiritual está disponible? Si no, ven a Jesús y acepta su invitación a convertirte en tu amigo personal. Entonces el fruto espiritual estará asegurado.
Is your spiritual fruit forthcoming? If not, come to Jesus and accept His invitation to become your personal friend. Then spiritual fruit will be assured.
Everything that we say or do communicates what we want others to know about us. Sometimes, we do this by the clothes that we wear. When I wear a bright green shirt, the comments that I receive indicate that I am bringing happiness to my friends with an Irish...
As a young teenager, I took music lessons at a local music school. My teacher, a nice young man and very patient instructor, surprised me one day by venting against Jesus Freaks. Not being committed to my faith and questioning Christian teaching, I was afraid to...
This week I met a ten-year old girl who expressed her goal in life in no uncertain terms: "I want to be a star."I was pretty sure she didn't mean that she wanted to become a celestial body shining through the night. No, she wanted people to notice her.As these ideas...
Luke chapter 10, verses 25-37 brings us the parable of the Good Samaritan. Here we have a story about a well-to-do legal eagle anxious to make an impression and display his knowledge of the scriptures. But Jesus threw back the challenge and asked him who was the...