Recently, my husband and I were driving through nearby New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. Gazing absentmindedly out of my passenger window, I observed the city's landscape. At one point, we drove past a scrap metal dump where a large backhoe was crushing and...
Several years ago, my husband and I were strolling along the shores of nearby Harrison Lake, admiring the wares of the vendors who had set up temporary shop on the sand. One artist and his work caught my attention, and I stopped.I learned that this French artist had...
Every Sunday morning in our church, we have a time in the service when the little ones run up to the front of the sanctuary before they are sent off to children's church. The children's leader meets them on the steps and engages them in a short conversation before a...
2 Corinthians 5:10 - For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due to him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. (NIV)It began with a typical Sunday afternoon in 1959 when I was 12 years old. We...
Have you ever considered how contrast allows us to understand the value of life?Could we understand peace if we never felt conflict?Could we appreciate safety if we never felt fear?Could we yearn for love if we never felt the pain of rejection?I have in my hand a...