Have you ever considered how contrast allows us to understand the value of life?
Could we understand peace if we never felt conflict?
Could we appreciate safety if we never felt fear?
Could we yearn for love if we never felt the pain of rejection?
I have in my hand a photo that my husband took recently near the top of Hope Mountain. Conflicting emotions fill my heart, when I look at the captured scene. The photo reveals a lovely little spoon-shaped lake nestled into a hollow. It lies as calm as glass, reflecting the beautiful blue of the sky and the trees that grace its edges.
But the photo reveals the lake’s vulnerability. It lies at the very edge of a sharp embankment that threatens to spill it over the edge to the valley far below. This little lake could be quickly emptied by the slightest crumble of the precipice’s edge.
Yet, the photo reveals the calm serenity of the lake, giving the viewer a feeling of peace in the face of danger.
I thought of how God holds us in the hollow of His hand, even though the fears and evils of this world lurk just at the edge of our daily lives.
We, too, can nestle, trusting Him with hope in our hearts, His love keeping us unafraid in the midst of a frightening world around us.
Let these words speak to us today:
Job 5:11 – He sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety. (NKJV)
Prayer: Father, help us not to be distracted by the frightening precipices and fears that lurk in our daily life situations, but may we nestle into Your love and know that we are safe. Thank You, Lord, that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that Your promises are sure. May we live so that others will see that though evils assail us, we cannot be moved, because of our faith in You! Amen.
Julie Klassen juliefrompearls@gmail.com
Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada