Help Me Refuse to Yield to Fear

(This story is taken from a fantastic biography about Brother Andrew, called The Narrow Road)The border crossing, too, was harder on me than usual. Whether it was that for the first time I wanted desperately not to be caught, not to be detained, not to let anything...

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I Didn’t Like Your Talk

(This story is taken from a fantastic biography about Brother Andrew, called The Narrow Road)(P.S. Brother Andrew had just come back from his first missionary trip to Warsaw)I had not been home a week before the invitations began to come in. Churches, clubs, civic...

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Just Admire the Scenery

(This story is taken from a fantastic biography about Brother Andrew, called The Narrow Road)The British evangelist Sidney Wilson was holding "youth weekends" in Holland then, and we started attending these.One of the first people to come with us was a blind and badly...

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The Royal Way

(This story is taken from a fantastic biography about Brother Andrew, called The Narrow Road)God's faithfulness I was experiencing continually, and I was also finding out something about His sense of humor.I had made a covenant with God never to run out of money for...

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What Do You Want a Map So Badly For?

(This story is taken from a fantastic biography about Brother Andrew, called The Narrow Road)My final night in Yugoslavia, the night for which I had been sent back across the border, I had met a man whose closest friend lived in Sofia."Petroff is one of the saints of...

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Visa for Yugoslavia

(This story is taken from a fantastic biography about Brother Andrew, called The Narrow Road)It was while I was in the midst of this hopeless and heart­breaking work that one morning during the Quiet Time that was now an integral part of every day wherever I was, I...

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A Baby in a Well

ChinaAs I drew near the sixth village on my trip, I sensed that something was wrong. People were huddled together, talking in low tones, glancing accusingly at each other.I introduced myself to them. "Greetings, I am the bearer of Good News, that-" A small man...

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Brother Andrew


