“The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” (Ps. 29:10-11 NIV)
Can you imagine having a principal in a school who did not do everything in his or her power to care for the teachers in his/her school? It may very well be that some of you have encountered such principals, for as sad as it is, these do exist. In fact, I know of schools where the teachers as well as the students are all afraid of the principal. I can tell you one thing for sure, however: These principals are truly not happen people, and the environment in their schools is far from pleasant. It makes such a great difference when there is a balance between the teachers and the principal, when they work together, looking out for each other and helping one another.
It is true, however, that when a school has not had a caring principal and it is appointed a new one, the staff and students will all show fear towards the new principal as well, even if the new person actually cares. It will take awhile for the school to realize that they are no longer under the care of an uncaring person.
It is the same with our relationship with God. Before we accept God into our lives, we find ourselves under the dominion of an uncaring, selfish being: Satan. We are used to the dog-eat-dog type of mentality where no one cares for anyone else. Then, when we accept God into our lives and make Him our Lord, we continue to live in fear. Just like the new principal in the above example doesn’t merit the fear of his or her staff and students, God doesn’t merit our fear either; however, when it has been the only thing we have known, it is easy to fall into that trap.
The truth of the matter is, God loves us. He loves us so much! There is absolutely no reason to be afraid when God is in control. Psalms 29 spends several verses talking about the power and might of God, how His majestic and powerful voice thunders over the waters (vs. 3-4), how it breaks the cedars (vs. 5), striking them like lightening (vs. 7). It speaks of how God “shakes the desert” (vs. 8), “twists the oaks and strips the forest bare” (vs. 9). Yet amidst all the scary demonstrations of power and glory, David tells us, “The Lord sits enthroned over the flood; the Lord is enthroned as King forever. The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.” (Psalms 29:10-11 NIV).

In other words, God is the one who deals with the problems we experience. Although His displays of might are scary, even in the midst of the worst of the battles that He fights on our behalf it can be said that He: “…gives strength to His people…” and “…blesses His people with peace.”
We may have known only fear in our former lives apart from Christ, but in Christ, we can be blessed with His peace, no matter what the circumstances!
What circumstances surround you right now? Come to Him! Receive His peace! And then be prepared to observe His might as He fights your battles for you! He loves us, and if we will just listen to Him, we will fall in love Him. He cares for us. He would do ANYTHING for us. Without Him, we are NOTHING!
In His love,
Rob Chaffart
(To access the entire “The Sling for God” devotional series, please click here.)