Finding Balance

by | Oct 13, 2020 | Faith, Trust

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6 NASB)

Crossing a high, fifty-foot-long, rickety swinging bridge during the pouring rain took prayer and balance. Dad’s mill crew was on a mission of mercy to sick neighbours who lived, and were stranded, across the creek. They waited until the rain stopped, and then, the men each took a gunny sack with food, medicine, and other goods, and carefully found their footing on the bridge. Taking care not to lean too far to the right or the left, each man had to place his step solidly because of the threatening wind gusts. The Lord kept the men safe on the slick bridge, and observers prayed all the way. God’s guidance directed them well so that they didn’t teeter off into the raging waters. Mr. J was waiting on the other side of the river with his car.

Keeping our balance each day isn’t always as breathtaking as crossing a swinging footbridge in the rain, but each step should be taken with as much care as possible. We have both inner and outer stability to consider, as we want to stay steady not only physically, but also mentally and spiritually.

The slick swinging bridge in the rain taught a good lesson of trust in God for workers and onlookers. God knew that the people on the other side needed food and medicine, and He faithfully allowed the men to cross safely to the other side. Intense drama generally isn’t involved in our everyday life, but the need to trust God, even when doing little tasks, is important. Let’s ask ourselves whom we are trusting. Wholehearted trust and acknowledgement of Him in small things will assure us that we are making the right choices and going the right direction in all things.

PRAYER: Father, how grateful we are that during times of intense need, we can feel Your presence and see You at work. Amen.

Karen Milam
Penn Valley, California, USA


Finding Balance


