There is Hope

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Hope, Love

I recently got the call from Europe with the news I didn’t want to hear: My mother was not expected to live. This news was bad enough in and of itself, but to make matters worse, I live in Canada, and my place of work gave me some trouble about this.

My teacher friends supported me all the way, providing encouragement every day. My students even wrote a sweet letter addressed to my mom; one which I will keep forever.

My neighbors also came to our rescue. One offered to pick up our mail and take care of any snow that might fall on our driveway. My other neighbor offered to feed our cat and water the plants. He hugged me at least three times to make me aware that he cared.

The same was true with the volunteers from our ministry. Beryl told me she would take care of my ministry email, and Candy also stood by me, encouraging me every day. Many of our volunteers were quite encouraging as well.

Even the airline was extremely supportive, even though they knew nothing about the reason for our flight. Just one tiny example of their kindness had to do with the meals. We had booked so last-minute that we hadn’t thought to order vegetarian meals. When we refused their kind offers of beef and fish, they went scrounging through the entire aircraft until they found the last two vegetarian meals onboard.

My youngest son in Alberta wanted to come with us to see his grandmother, but the circumstances would not permit him to go. My oldest son, who is doing his master’s degree in Chemical Engineering, will join us in Europe as soon as his classes are completed.

I am now with my mother in her room. She cannot speak, but she smiles whenever she can, and even here the nurses provide us with encouragement. They feed us and give us soda and water. They come in my mom’s room whenever they can, providing encouragment to us and to my mom as well. Two nurses in particular stand out in their caring manner. One “adopted” my mother years ago and even though she has now been assigned to a different floor, she makes an effort during every shift to come by and see her “mom”, bringing with her a world of joy. The other nurse who merits special mention just spent 30 minutes overtime with us, helping us pick out just the right burial clothes for my mogher. Love is evident wherever we are.

Imagine if we always cared for others in this manner. This world would be paradise. Reality, though, is that most among us are under pressure: We have work responsibilities; there are unforeseen circumstances; we are tired; our to-do lists never end… We miss multiple opportunities to make a difference in this life.

Is it possible that the evil one orchestrates us like puppets, keeping us constantly busy, so that we cannot be a blessing to others?

How different Jesus was compared to all of us!

“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” Galatians 6:9-10 (MSG)

With what I have experienced these past few weeks, I can vouch that there is hope for humanity. Thanks to all of you who are encouragers.

“I want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on Christ, God’s great mystery.” Colossians 2:2 (MSG)

By the way, our burdens become quite lighter when we care for others…

In His love,

Rob Chaffart To contact us click here


There is Hope


