I love tropical gardens, and because I live in a sub-tropical environment, every new home we move to, I intentionally re-landscape to capture the beauty and peace of a tropical setting.
But there is one practice I use which others may question. As the season approaches mid-autumn I am madly preparing the new garden beds, buying appropriate plants, and busily planting as much a possible.
Why, you ask? Because I have noticed that everything sits during winter and struggles, but come spring the growth seems to be stronger and more robust. Each plant tends to establish itself because of the cooler weather struggle.
You may be facing a ‘winter-time’. As a Christian you will have experienced the rapid growth of spring and summer, but then God tends to allow you an autumn or even a winter!
Why? Because he wants you to stay with Him for eternity, and to do this He needs your character to be transformed. But continually looking to Jesus, and worshipping Him through every experience, that’s where the miracles will happen!
“And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.” Galatians 6:9
Today, trust God through your winter times!
Bruce Wadd brucewadd@todaysthought.sharesong.org