Impossible Made Possible

by | May 27, 2001 | God's Love, Healing

“…What is impossible from a human perspective is possible with God.” – Luke 18:27

My relationship with my mother has, at times, been a source of confusion and frustration to me. Perhaps the problem was that we were simply two very different people. Regardless of the why, based on past experience, it seemed that this is simply the way things were, and were most likely going to remain.

However, God had something else in mind. He used another circumstance in my life to show me a better way to break through the differences and conflicts, and to find our common bond. Love.

How simple a common denominator this was; right in front of me all along, and yet, even in its simplicity, I did not see. Setting pride and past differences aside, I picked up pen to paper and wrote a letter from the heart, one which my mother was happy to receive. She responded back, and several more back and forth letters from the heart followed. Then, the next step; a phone call. It had been years since we spoke, and I was not sure how either of us was going to react, but I dialed nonetheless.

Mother was clearly overjoyed to hear from me. We had so much to say we spoke long distance for almost 4 hours! This happened again, and again, and again. The next step was a simple gesture of thoughtfulness. Knowing how much I enjoy getting packages in the mail, I decided to send mom a care package. Along with a box of cake mix for her past birthday I missed, and a few other odds and ends I thought might make her smile. I also sent her a beautiful white Bible with gold print on the cover. Mother loved it and wrote to tell me how much she appreciated me thinking of her.

During this time, I could sense a subtle difference with each gift of love. Mom and I didn’t need to agree or disagree on everything anymore because we both seemed to finally understand that love is much bigger than petty divisions. Our relationship is slowly blossoming, and it is truly a wonder to see.

A few years ago, if you told me such a thing would occur, I would have laughed and said, “Impossible!” I should have remembered that nothing is impossible with God, and since God is Love, likewise, nothing is impossible with love!

Today, if a situation you are encountering could benefit from the healing power of God’s love, won’t you call on Him to assist you?

Contributed by Melanie Schurr (c)2004 Melanie Schurr Melanie Schurr is author of “Ecstatic Living Ecstatic Loving: How to have more peace and joy in marriage, and life in general by walking in harmony with God,” and “Son Salutations: A refreshing collection of modern inspirations for those who seek God each day.” For more information, visit her web page at


Impossible Made Possible


