Just over a year ago, my daughter’s family and I agreed that it was time for me to move closer to them, leaving the house where I’d lived for over 40 years. We began to explore housing options, but nothing seemed to be clear and discernible.
As we narrowed down our choices and began to take steps toward our goal, however, the path became clearer. Yet, it was only after our final decision had been made that we could see the amazing way that God had been preparing our path all along the way. There were many moving parts and pieces that were fitting together behind the scenes that we didn’t know about until later. The only apartment that was available to me in the area that we were considering is in an ideal location and is perfect for my needs. In looking back, I can now see how all the myriad of details about timing, finances, amenities, and even preferences knitted together perfectly.
I had no idea how well the Lord would provide for my move, and neither did Abraham when God asked him to carry out the heart-wrenching act of sacrificing his beloved son Isaac, as found in Genesis 22.
Abraham fully trusted and obeyed God, despite the horrifying implications of this unfathomable command. Abraham must have been absolutely mystified by this directive to sacrifice his long-awaited son of promise. Abraham was at the point of plunging the knife into Isaac’s willing form when God halted him. (Isaac, a young man at this time, certainly could have resisted or even overpowered his father, but he, also, displayed a willing heart.) In response to Abraham’s full obedience, God graciously provided a ram as a substitute for Isaac. In deepest gratitude, Abraham gave a commemorative name to the place of sacrifice:
“So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide.”
(Genesis 22:14a NIV)
Abraham’s example of willingly following God’s leading — especially when the final outcome was not certain — has often been a great encouragement to me. There have been many, many times — such as in the case of my move — when direction for the road ahead of me was not clear, and yet, I had to make an important, final decision. God’s provision has often brought me joy and confidence in His care and provision, just as it must have to Abraham.
What decisions are you facing today, maybe not knowing what the outcome will be? God is leading, regardless of how imposing the task may seem to be, and He will provide all that is needed — at just the right time. You can trust Him to enable you to do whatever He asks of you!
Prayer: O God, our Strength and Provider, thank You for providing what we need for whatever You ask us to do — at just the right time. Amen.
Copyright © 2022, by Gail Lundquist <gail10833@gmail.com>, first published on the PresbyCan Daily Devotional presbycan.ca .
Beaverton, Oregon, USA
Reprinted from PresbyCan with author’s permission