“I have read in Plato and Cicero sayings that are very wise and very beautiful; but I never read in either of them: “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden.”” (Saint Augustine of Hippo 354–430)
The world owes much of its beauty to the clouds in the sky. The reflections created by dawn and dusk are truly a miraculous demonstration of the work of the Creator. It is fascinating to pass through clouds as you take off when flying. From the ground they are often dark and threatening; as the aircraft passes through them they sometimes grumble and demonstrate their power. Then suddenly, they are no more. You are bathed in brilliant sunshine – you have entered a different world.
Those who have not experienced this phenomenon have missed a remarkable experience. They may see clouds only as a threat but even then their magnitude and structure are awe inspiring. Rather like the burdens and worries of life. We may see only the dark side. We may see sickness or the problems that face us as impossible barriers or mountains too high to climb. We may be overcome by their darkness. We may see only the underside of the clouds.
But there is another side. Clouds are a passing phase, as are the troubles facing the world at this time. They are constantly moving. Beyond their darkness is a new world. Passing through them may be an upsetting experience – there will be difficulties – the clouds will not give up without a grumble or a show of their power. But there is a greater force – that of the Creator. Raise your eyes to the clouds and through the power of His Holy Spirit see through the darkness of sickness and fear to the new world beyond. Look at your burdens and problems from this other side where you cannot see their deep shadows.
Job, a man of great patience and fortitude, was having a difficult time. He was looking at the underside of dark clouds. But his friend Elihu said “And now the light in the sky is dazzling, too bright for us to look at it; and the sky has been swept clean by the wind” (Job 37:21 GNT).
Life has burdens that no one can escape. Christianity does not remove the load: it teaches us how to bear the burdens that fall rightfully to us. So before you go to sleep, turn your problems over to God, He’s going to be up all night.
Have a good week. Pastor Ron
Optional Bible reading: Job chapter 37.
This is one of a series of weekly messages of encouragement, now in its twenty-sixth year, originating from Gympie, Fraser Coast, Queensland, Australia. A companion Bible study page is available each week. To subscribe via email send to w4w2@bigpond.com with the words ‘Subscribe Word (or) Subscribe Word & Study’. Our ministry is free and emailing lists are confidential. Tell a friend or why not put a note in your church newsletter or pew sheet about this ministry – we welcome new subscriptions. Pastor Ron Clarke OAM Word for the Week Mbl.: +61 488 424 321