His Abiding Grace

by | May 22, 2020 | Grace, Poem

His abiding grace and amazing love
Was sent to us from up above.
Nothing could ever take the place
Of Our Savior’s love and abiding grace.

This enduring grace will make you whole,
Forgive your sins, and save your soul.
It covers every transgression without leaving a trace,
With His amazing love and abiding grace.

He bore our sins upon the cross
So He could save those who were lost.
He knew the death that He had to face
Was worth it all, for His abiding grace.

So, put your soul in the Savior’s hands.
He knows the heart and understands.
He will give your soul a resting place,
If you’ll just trust in Him and His abiding grace.

© 2006 by Vickie Lambdin nspirations@insightbb.com 


His Abiding Grace


