Deceiving Appearances

by | Apr 21, 2020 | Example

Currently, pieces of it are hot sellers, but it’s not always what it appears.

Distressed furniture has paint missing in spots making it appear to don a leopard skin coat. Yet distressed furniture isn’t always what it proposes to be. It could actually be an old piece of furniture with paint leaving the surface because it’s worn out its welcome. But it could be a newer piece of furniture made to look old-and much of it is. All that’s required is a fresh coat of paint, a sander, varnish, and a little imagination.

Appearances can be deceiving. “Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him” (I John 3:2 NKJV).

The same is true for me. If you followed me around for a week, you might conclude that I’m not who I propose to be…that is if you didn’t understand what God says about me. You’d probably hear me complain about a driver in front of me, fume in line at Wal-Mart where only three registers are open, deride women who are dressed in public like they would be at the beach, say something insensitive to my wife, or complain about my finances as if I have no God to control them.

My foibles are due to my weaknesses and my failure to trust God in all circumstances. But they aren’t an accurate reflection of who I am. In spite of my bare spots and chips, I’m still a forgiven and perfectly stained child of God who’s a work in progress. And if I’ll continually trust God, he’ll bring beauty from my scratched up surface.

When you feel distressed, remember God can re-finish the outside to perfection.

Prayer: Enable us Almighty God to live out in words and actions the person we are in Christ.

Martin Wiles
Hodges, South Carolina, USA


Deceiving Appearances


