Glaucoma on the Horizon: The Forgotten Message, Part 19

by | Apr 10, 2020 | Healing, Miracles, The Forgotten Message

“Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:19-20 (NIV)

There is something special when we are united for a worthy cause. It gives peace of heart when someone is sick and there are friends or family members united in prayer for healing. In addition to this, however, when we are united in a cause, if we agree in prayer, “It will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” Miracles will occur, no doubt about it!

My oldest son and my wife have been standing in unity with me since August. My latest eye test indicated I had the beginnings of glaucoma. My optometrist had me take the test twice, and both results concurred. She was quite concerned, needless to say, and she had me book an appointment for a recheck in 2 months’ time.

I decided to believe in my Heavenly Father that my eye would be healed before that next appointment, and my family agreed with me. Sometimes while I was sleeping, however, I had nightmares about becoming blind. Even during the day, I had attacks with suggestions of blindness being unavoidable. I started to realize that these were attacks from the evil one. Whenever I had one of these attacks, I spoke out loudly: “Get out of me Satan! I will not agree with you. I trust solely in my Heavenly Father. I will be healed!”

After a few days, the devil stopped his attacks all together.

Last Wednesday was my appointment with the optometrist. Just before my appointment, I had a meeting at work. As I entered the room, my eyes started to blur. “Strange,” I thought. “Why today?” While driving home, I again received suggestions that I was not healed. My Heavenly Father made me aware that I was under attack. I ordered these demons out of my life. I refused to agree with them. I trusted in my Father, and I knew that I am healed, period!

When I entered the optometrist’s office for my appointment, the technicians who performed all the tests reviewed all of their machines to make sure there would be no errors. The doctor generally never stays with the technicians when they give the tests, but I could see she was concerned, for she stayed with us the entire time. The results were as I expected: There was absolutely no indication of glaucoma.

My optometrist didn’t know what to say. She gave some possibilities about how this happened, and as I left, she told me I didn’t have to retake this test again the following summer, and even stated that my yearly visit could be postponed. Her final words were, “You are just fine!” When I saw my wife and son, I jumped out of my car and shouted: “I have no glocauma!I can always trust in my Heavenly Dad!”

Unity is quite important to our Father. Being united shows that we are one with Him, who cares for us so tenderly. He, too, is united with His Son and the Holy Spirit. This next Bible verse touches my heart: “In just a little while the world will no longer see me, but you’re going to see me because I am alive and you’re about to come alive. At that moment you will know absolutely that I’m in my Father, and you’re in me, and I’m in you”. John 14:19-20 (MSG)

Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Jesus and Jesus is in us! Perfect unity! As we focus on this unity, no one will ever be able to break this healthy bond, and there is even an extra bonus: Jesus tells us: “But you’re going to see me because I am alive and you’re about to come alive.” Many can concur with this, for many have met Jesus in dreams or even in appearance. Some of you reading this testimony know what I mean, for you, too, have met your Saviour face to face. After all, our Heavenly Dad loves us abundantly!

If unity can heal my glaucoma, imagine what it could happen if only all the world would stand in unity…

Rob Chaffart

(To access the entire “The Forgotten Message” devotional series, please click here.)


Glaucoma on the Horizon: The Forgotten Message, Part 19


