I hope everyone is ready to go on the Pontoon Boat for a ride. We will meet the captain and his first mate at the west side of the river. This is where the boat is docked.
The captain is Mike and his first mate is Dee. As we get nearer to where the boat is we can hear the singing of Hank Williams singing, “I saw the Light.” Mike loved country music and hearing this oldie made us smile.
As we reached the boat, the captain turns off Hank and smiles. He is such a nice man. His first mate, his wife, is very pretty and has a smile that lights up her face. The pontoon will fit about 10 people and more when the captain thinks it is necessary. Today, it is just us going.
The river is clear and sparkling. Nothing like the River in Ohio. Oh well, it is time to get into the boat and go for an adventure.
The air is warm and a soft breeze makes the heat bearable. Trees line the river and are scattered around the most beautiful homes I have ever seen. Along the banks of the river, families are swimming and enjoying the warm day. On one side of the river, it seems teens have taken over and only the Lord knows what they are doing.
We sit back and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us. In Alabama, the dirt is red and this only enhances the beauty. The bright sun is causing a diamond-like radiance on the water. People go by and wave at us. Seems all the people are very friend.y.
Mike tells us, we are going to a secret place that will look like a deserted island. We look forward to seeing this.
We move to the front of the boat and put our feet into the warm water, we kick high into the air splashing and getting wet, which feels so good.
Neither Mike nor Dee say much, as they watch us totally enjoy ourselves. The exchange smiles and sit back to watch us as we continue on our adventure.
There are so many ducks all around the river bed. Tall pines seem to lift up their branches toward heaven giving thanks to the Lord for all His glory. We close our eyes and relax. As we breathe in the fresh air, His peace surrounds us as His beauty is everywhere we look.
Mike tells us were are going to a small island that he discovered one day and was awed by it. As we enter the cove, we see trees that are filled with beautiful white flowers. There are water lilies all over. Sand surrounds the small island. We feel as if we have stepped back in time where the beauty has not been destroyed by man. Geese flap their wings in the water as if they are playing a game with each other. We can see fish swimming back and forth. How utterly beautiful this place is!
When we take a deep breath, the fragrance of the flowers fills the air. Our God does create beauty for us to behold when we take the time to notice. A rainbow appears on the water as the sun peaks through the trees. Wow! We sit back and are in no hurry to leave. Behind us the sound of praise music is playing, how perfect is that?
When it is time to head back it seems we have had a glimpse of heaven. The cool breeze has picked up and is blowing our hair in every direction. We really don’t care. This has been a very special adventure. When we tell others of this adventure, they will never understand. One had to be there.
Dedicated to Mike and Janice Williams