When the Door Is Closed: There Is ALWAYS Hope, Part 20

by | Apr 2, 2020 | Hope, Miracles, There is ALWAYS Hope

“But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right–everything. Those who wait around for him are the lucky ones.” (Isa 30:18 the Message)

After my year as a French consultant, I found myself in front of a Grade 5 classroom at a totally different school. I had promised my Father I would try to start a Bible Club in my new school, just as we had done in my former school, and true to my word, I found myself in the principal’s office, seeking the required permission.

Unfortunately for us all, my new principal was not in favour of the idea. “No way,” he said. “And even when I leave this school, I don’t want you to do anything like that. Do we understand each other?”

I didn’t like what I was hearing, but what could I do? “I will do as you say,” I assured him, and I left the office.

It wasn’t long before I realized something important: I had entered the principal’s office with a cross around my neck. My new principal had NOT told me to take it off! In fact, he hadn’t seemed to notice it at all! I had been wearing a cross to school ever since I began teaching, and I can’t count the times students have come to me to comment about the cross. They were all delighted to have a teacher who was a Christian, and many told me they were Christian as well. As time went by in my new school, the same thing began to happen. In fact, some of my students began wearing crosses to school as well! Things were beginning to move….

I had obeyed my principal. I had not tried to start a Bible Club. But where the door of opportunity closes, God is right there doing miraculous things to open another one! He was still providing opportunities in a public school for students to hear about God. There is NO ONE as powerful as our loving Heavenly Father.

I knew that God was only beginning His work in my new school. I knew He had something far bigger planned, but I would have to be patient to see that work come to fruition. Seeing as our Heavenly Father is patient, however, I decided I would be patient as well. I would wait upon the Lord. And I did. For several years….

Rob Chaffart

(To access the entire “There is ALWAYS Hope” devotional series, please click here.)


When the Door Is Closed: There Is ALWAYS Hope, Part 20


