My Friend in Kindergarten: When Grace Came Down, Part 9

by | Apr 2, 2020 | Faith, Grace, Salvation, When Grace Came Down

After focusing on God’s grace through the month of December, I had planned to end this series and return to “There is ALWAYS Hope!” series. However, every time I open my Bible, I find a Bible about salvation by faith. I cannot stop this series. Not yet. There are still so many legalistic Christians following the Moses initiative.

Remember that Moses was not able to save anyone. There is no way that mere humans can be forgiven, especially by another human being. After all, we have ALL made mistakes in our life. Only Jesus can save you, and then, only if we accept His offer of Salvation will you be saved.

Remember this: “‘Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.’ Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them.” (Mark 10: 15 MSG)

We may like to be in control, but who in this world has never sinned? Only the One who never sinned can save you. Give your heart to Him and you will be saved. Jesus paid the cost through His death. The innocent for the guilty. He saves us!

We humans will make all kinds of excuses for not turning to the Lord. But think of it this way: If you have an illness, would you say it can wait? What would you do if you have cancer? Would you say it can wait? Does waiting to give yourself to God show that you accept His kingdom in the simplicity of a child?

Many years ago, I knew a kindergarten student who had cancer. I felt bad for him. He was such a great kid.

One day, while I was on bus duty, he came up to me and said, “Don’t worry. I will be with my Heavenly Father. It is way better in heaven than anywhere else.” That student knew exactly what Jesus meant when He said, “Unless you accept God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in.” (Mark 10:15 MSG). He accepted Jesus with open arms, and now he is in paradise. I know that one day I’ll see him again.

It was obvious to all that this child trusted in Jesus, that he hungered to be with Him. Do you hunger for Jesus? Would you like to accept Jesus’ offer? He loves you. He waits for you. You will never be alone ever again.

Don’t forget: Who else would be willing to die for you? I ask you to please meditate on this. Don’t wait. Accidents happen, illnesses attack us…. Today is the day to trust in Jesus! Why not answer the Saviour’s Call, today?

Rob Chaffart

(To access the entire “When Grace Came Down” devotional series, please click here.)


My Friend in Kindergarten: When Grace Came Down, Part 9


