Losing My Mind: There Is ALWAYS Hope, Part 1

by | Apr 2, 2020 | Healing, Hope, Miracles, There is ALWAYS Hope

A few months ago, I started to lose things. It was as if a leprechaun had come to my home and stolen all my favorite things. Things came to a head last winter. We were vacationing in the Caribbean, and I continually lost literally everything and couldn’t even remember from one moment to the next where we were going. And even my photos…I couldn’t organize them at all.

Once back home, my family doctor was concerned. She sent me to a gerontologists, who in turn, sent me for tests. The results were NOT what I wanted to hear: Alzheimer’s…

They say that Alzheimer’s is hereditary, and true to form, both my grandmother and my mother had Alzheimer’s. I know from my experiences with them that there is no cure for Alzheimer’s. It only progresses, and there is no going back. Nonetheless, my wife tried to help me regain my cognition by encouraging me to play cognitive games, help me learn memory strategies, etc. Unfortunately it didn’t seem to help at all.

To make things worse, I have a friend in the United States who has a progressive illness as well, and I knew that in the end, unless God intervened, he would die of this disorder. It choked me to think of what he was going through; yet here I was, in the same sort of situation. It was all so very discouraging!

I had learned through my life experiences that I should always be positive; but in the face of Alzheimer’s, it was very hard to maintain my optimism. It was like my brain was on its own vacation with no healing in sight, and all I could think was that my life would end the way my mother’s and grandmother’s had ended. For all practical purposes, it appeared that my life in this world was over.

While I was wallowing in my discouragement, however, God was busy reminding me of the truth of Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (NIV). That truth really hit home. Alzheimer’s or not, God will NEVER leave me or forsake me. To prove His point, God began giving me Bible text after Bible text to encourage me and to teach me about dependency on Him.

I will be sharing some of these lessons throughout this series, and the lesson I want to share with you today is about worship. Let’s go to the story of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. When tempted to worship the devil, Jesus replied: “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'” (Matthew 4:10 NIV). In His famous rebuttal, Jesus is quoting Deuteronomy 6:13, which says, “Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name.” (Deut 6:13 NIV). As I read this text, I heard God speaking to me, reminding me that this is a battle of who I choose to worship. The devil wants me to be discouraged, and when I fall into his trap, I am worshiping him. Meanwhile, my Heavenly Father wants me to be filled with joy, and when I chose His way, I am worshiping Him!

No way will I worship the devil in this! I choose Jesus Joy!

When the text encourages us to “fear the Lord”, we must remember that this means to honour Him. It does not mean we are to be “afraid” of my Him. In fact, When we worship our Heavenly Father and leave our problems in His hands, all of our fears fade into His glorious light, the light which: “… shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5 NIV). This light chases the enemy from us, removing our fear, and leaving us able to glorify our Heavenly Father forever. All we need to do is trust in Him. He loves us so much.

Even though I found my cognition so low while in the Caribbean, I decided to worship Him by putting my faith in the One who will never leave me or forsake me, by accepting His joy. I will forever put my trust Him. For my cognition, and for the rest of my life.

Rob Chaffart

(To access the entire “There is ALWAYS Hope” devotional series, please click here.)


Losing My Mind: There Is ALWAYS Hope, Part 1


