Recently I was diagnosed with early-onset of dementia. My grandmother had dementia and so did my mom.
Although I had been told there is a heredity component to dementia, I was totally unprepared for this. I didn’t know what to do; but I immediately heard Jesus’ sweet voice: “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12 NIV).
I was comforted, but the fear often returned. Jesus had a solution for that, too. Every day when I opened the Bible, He had a message of comfort for me, and they were exactly what I needed to hear at any point in time. I kept a list of these messages.
Interestingly, these messages weren’t just for me. God often told me to send them on to an e-friend who needed encouragement. He, too, needed confirmation from Jesus on a daily basis. The Bible verses helped him as well, and both my friend and I were blessed in this way by the presence of Jesus.
Two weeks ago, I was trying to help my wife start the trimmer. It has one of those ropes that you pull in order to engage the engine. Usually this is no problem for me; but that day I couldn’t get the thing to start. I switched to my left arm for one more try, but instead of the air being filled by the whirl of the motor, it was filled by my screams of pain. I had somehow wrenched my shoulder.
I went to the hospital where x-rays confirmed that nothing was broken, and I was sent home with ice and Advil. It helped, but the pain, especially at night, was terrible. When I saw my family doctor, she suggested I had possibly sustained a small tear to my rotator cuff. She ordered more tests and sent me to physiotherapy.
I dutifully made the initial appointment. The day before I was to go see the physiotherapist, however, I had a very real experience with God. I was in the bathroom of all places, when I felt the presence of Jesus. I was excited and I listened with bated breath as Jesus told me He had a message for me: He would heal my shoulder.
Please understand that this was such an honour. However, I was facing something far bigger than a torn rotator cuff: I was facing dementia! I asked Him then if He would heal my cognition instead, as this was way more important.
His response? I could almost feel His smile: “I will heal that, too!”
When I went for my physio examination the following day, I had no more pain in my shoulder, except for a tiny bit during the night. The physiotherapist sent me home with exercises, but said he really didn’t need to see me again. God was already coming through on His promise of healing.
Is it my imagination, or are my words gradually coming easier now as well? People seem to have less trouble knowing what I am talking about! I realize by all of this that Jesus is healing me bit by bit. I know my cognitive healing still has a long way to go, but didn’t Jesus already come through for my shoulder? Doesn’t He keep ALL His promises? I am confident that He will restore ALL of my cognition as well!
God always heal!
“The LORD is my light and my salvation–whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life–of whom shall I be afraid?” (Ps. 27:1 NIV)
Our Jesus will always come through!
“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 NIV)
Rob Chaffart
(To access the entire “There is ALWAYS Hope” devotional series, please click here.)