Jesus, the Only Way!

by | Apr 30, 2018 | Jesus, Salvation

October 17th 2004 was the Thanksgiving service in IMC (Indiranagar Methodist Church). We looked back to thank God for all the mercies we have received during the year. Yes, I look back… A year has gone. October 17th 2003 I had my biopsy which confirmed that I was in stage II of breast cancer. This year I stood with the congregation as we praised and worshipped the Almighty. I cannot translate the mercy and grace God has bestowed upon me into anything – the best I could do is share my experience and remain a witness to His grace.

Last year around this time I stared blank at a Doctor (whom I had never met before) as he diagnosed me in stage II – Cancer?? Who me?? I have no family history, I feel fit, I work long hours at office, I workout in the gym five days in the week, I take care of my home without domestic help. I eat right, I don’t indulge, I have never been sick. I seldom have a cold and I have never been in a hospital-was the Doctor talking to me?? I looked at a Surgeon who said “yes you need a surgery”. Overnight the world around me changed. All I could get myself to do was whatever the Doctors advised. Yes, tests, investigations, and the surgery. On 29th Oct. was my surgery. Doctors said I could leave the hospital in four days – the third day I developed very high fever, post surgery infection of any kind is not a comfortable stage. The Doctors were unable to identify the cause. Till that day I had done all that was needed. My spirit was sagging. As I lay in the hospital bed alone I asked my Creator… Why am I here? What is happening to me? Heal me O Lord! Carry me thru this. Yes, His answer was instant- “The Divine blood is healing you”- I heard these words loud and clear. I have not been in the habit of reading spiritual material or watching spiritual channels on TV. The words “Divine blood, healing” were new to me. It gave me hope, I knew I would step out of this phase only by His grace and mercy. Yes, HE showered on me unmerited grace. He heard me in my distress. The fever was diagnosed as some severe form of malaria and I responded to treatment and was discharged the 11th day.

Chemotherapy is the follow up treatment to Cancer. The treatment has an emotional effect along with the physical one. I was counseled- the Oncologist had sessions with me initially with the family and then alone. The toxic drugs administered have severe side effects. Nausea, blisters in the mouth, loss of hair were the primary ones I was advised about. You will vomit at least a dozen times a day, blisters in the mouth will prevent intake of food and hair lost will grow back over a period of time I was told. I had prepared myself for all these – I had no choice. I look back… Its been a year.. I have not thrown up even once due to normal indigestion. I was not only able to eat normally I also walked 4 km every day to my office and back during these sessions. In just three weeks I was back in my room at office immersing myself in daily routine. The drain attached to my body to draw the lymphatic fluid remained for seven whole weeks. The Surgeon would shake his head every third day and say No I can’t remove it now. I was back in my office with it attached to my body.

Yes, I look back today… was it possible? Did this happen? Yes, it did only because of a Mighty Healer- He has healed the blind, the deaf, the paralytic and the epileptic. The lady who ailed for long when she touched the hem of His robe was healed instantly- Scriptures say that Jesus did this yesterday, I have seen it happen in my life today- He is the same forever. He never rejected or refused anyone who asked him to heal not only themselves but also their loved ones. Yes, Jesus did not tell me- You repair your life- I will heal you later. I asked and I was given instantly, I sought and I found His grace, I knocked to be let in. He laid no conditions to bestow his grace upon me.

The only side effect that I experienced was the loss of hair. Today I thank God for putting back every single strand I lost, Yes, He is a Lord who restores, rebuilds, revitalizes and reconstructs. I believe that’s the physical manifestation of the change in me as I surrender myself to the Almighty. Yes, HE had to break me and melt me cause I want to be moulded to HIS will.

It is mandatory to have all checks and tests done as a year completes after surgery. In mid September this year I had my tests- Every report had “normal study” under inference. Yes, I look back. I have not captured all that happened to me during this phase for want of space but I reiterate “the Divine blood flows from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet therefore my body can only be in ease and never in disease”- Sometime ago I wrote to someone “So what if I had the big C? I have a bigger C in my life”- Yes, cancer is insignificant in the presence of Christ. From a common cold to cancer HE is the healer- Healing comes only from HIM. We live in the 21st Century where science has developed, medical technology has progressed , yet mankind has not found the exact cause or the complete cure to this dreaded sickness- Cancer is not the end of life– in Christ it’s the beginning of a new one…Yes, JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY! AMEN.



Jesus, the Only Way!


