Insight on a Gloomy Day

by | May 15, 2013 | Dependency, Freedom

Psalm 146:7b – The Lord gives freedom to the prisoners. (NKJV)

I awoke to such a gloomy (weather-wise) fall morning. The colours in my garden, though, brightened this otherwise grey morning. In fact, they positively glow!

An unusual visitor arrived the other day. It has claimed ownership of my garden, strutting around the perimeter and all points in between. It is a ruffed grouse! I had not seen one before, and at first sighting, I wondered what it was. It seems perfectly at home picking at plants and enjoying seeds discarded by the birds beneath the feeders. Apparently satisfied with meagre pickings, it is oblivious to the feast which awaits over the garden fence. All it has to do is fly, to escape the confines of my garden, to discover the woodland beyond and its God-given shelter and food.

We can be like this: not trusting our greater (spiritual) food source and provider of shelter. We choose to stay in our small, comfortable world, and keep out our Lord and Saviour, Jesus — who could provide us with so much more if we decided to trust Him and place ourselves in His care (over the fence of our self-inflicted boundary) and into His light and grace. Too often, we stay within our comfort zone — choosing it, rather than flying into new ventures of opportunity and discovery. As a result, we miss so much.

Prayer: Father, our lives can be so small without You! Help us to be willing to choose Your will and Your way for our lives. Break down the “walls of our hearts”, and enable us to lean on You for all our needs each day. Open our eyes to the fact that true freedom comes only from You. In Jesus’ precious name, we pray. Amen.

Patricia Day
Barrie, Ontario, Canada

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Insight on a Gloomy Day


