Were You Watching Me?

by | May 21, 2006 | Example, Parenting

My husband and I went food shopping the other day. Food shopping is one of those things that we all need to do in order to survive, but not many people enjoy because it is such a mundane task which normally costs us so much money. Instead of going home with just a shopping cart full of goods, I walked away with a priceless lesson that I pray will forever change my life.

In order to help you understand, I must tell you a little bit about us first. I “love” to eat grapes; I am very picky about the grapes I eat though. They must be fresh and crisp, sweet and not sour, so as most good shoppers, I like to taste before I place the bag of grapes in my shopping cart. I don’t fill myself up with the grapes, but I do sample a few.

My husband on the other hand loves candy; so when we get to the candy cart he stops to fill his little bag. Normally there is a little change box so the samplers can place a nickel per candy they take. When he wants to try a new candy, my husband normally puts in a quarter or so because he wants more than one. This particular evening I didn’t notice the little box to put the money in. My husband had found a new peanut butter filled hard candy and he wanted to share with me. The minute he did I remembered the little missing box, so I asked him if he had paid for the candies he took.

To my surprise, his answer was “Did “you” pay for the sample grapes?” Wow! – Of course not, I said in defense; there is no box for me to put the money in, they don’t expect you to pay for tasting grapes! Well, he said; maybe they don’t expect you to taste them because the grapes are bagged in zippered bags.

Talk about OUCH!!!! My pride sort of took over and I continued with my self defense, but by this time, I could hear the soft whisper of the Holy Spirit telling me; “Nancy, I want you to be a good example to your husband and to anyone I place in your life” – But LORD! I was only tasting them; everybody does it Lord, and no one ever says anything, what’s sin is in that?

His Words dug deep in my heart as He said; “They may not be saying anything, but they are watching. Did you know that you may be the only example I have of me for those people?” “The little fish in the back of your car tells others you are mine, but you act like you are of the world!”

So, what do you want me to do Lord? …. Hmmmmmm “Fess up to your sin” He said; tell your husband that he is right.” OK Lord, help me be humble.

“Robert? … Are you trying to tell me that I’ve been stealing? …” “YES you have”, was his shocking answer. “I’m sorry” I said as I pushed my cart. “That’s OK, I still love you – by the way, I did pay for the candies; the box was placed in a different spot.”

Mark 3:2 – “And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the Sabbath day; that they might accuse him.”

If you continue reading this chapter you will see that some people also followed Christ, some believed and repented, yet others accused Him.

So is our life on this earth; people will watch us, judge us; some will follow our lead. My question is. Where will we be leading them?

Oh Lord, forgive my hidden faults. Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19

Nancy Reindl nerck@sbcglobal.net


Were You Watching Me?


