In the morning, when the dew drops glisten
When your heart feels Jesus; stop and listen;
He’s the glory of the sunshine; the glory of my life;
It is He who comforts, when there is strife.
Jesus is our victory for tomorrow; He blesses us today
He’ll always be with us when sin comes our way.
He’s our Redeemer; He saved my soul one sweet day
As, I went down to the Altar; knelt to Pray.
Thank Thee God, that you saved our sinful soul;
By Thy only Son divine; thank Thee for giving us a goal.
Lead us my Father, by Thy Son who, loves us so
So where ere in life He goes; let us also go.
He is our tomorrow; He is our bright and shinning star
He’s Lord of Heaven and earth; Lord, be not from us far.
Let us look unto the hills and watch for the light;
That light that cometh unto our hearts; so bright.
Help us Lord, to recognize that morning; bright and clear
Let us forever hold His love to our hearts; near
Blest we’ll be, at His soon coming; let us hold fast
The love we have for our Savior; let it forever last.
©Pearlie Duncan Walker March, 2006