
by | May 27, 2002 | Forgiveness, Grace

John 1:29 – The next day John saw Jesus coming towards him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (NIV)

Several months ago, I was involved in a traffic accident while driving along a major roadway in a shopping mall parking lot. My car was hit by a driver coming out of an aisle, resulting in $2,100 damage to the rear right-hand door. When I reported the accident to SGI (Saskatchewan Government Insurance), I was very surprised to learn that I would likely be charged one hundred percent for the accident. I strongly believed that I was not at fault, and since my only recourse was to take the other driver to Small Claims Court, I proceeded with the process.

Ten months later when my case was heard in court, the judge ruled that the other driver was seventy percent responsible, for failing to keep a proper look-out, while I was thirty percent responsible, because I did not attempt to stop, believing that I had the right-of-way. In Saskatchewan, we are charged with the accident if we bear fifty percent or more of the responsibility for it. With the judge’s ruling in my favour, I was no longer responsible for the accident.

It was a relief when we had the car repaired, after having driven around with a visual reminder of the accident for eleven months. A few weeks later, I called SGI to verify that my driving record reflected the judge’s ruling. I was amazed when the receptionist looked up my record and told me that there was no accident listed there. It was just as if I had not had the accident!

Now that I have had time to reflect on my experience, I see this as a perfect example of what it is like to have our sins forgiven. Instead of being one hundred percent responsible for our sins, we can experience perfect forgiveness through Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Prayer: Loving God, we are truly thankful that we don’t have to bear responsibility for us sins, but rather that You sent Your Son Jesus Christ so that we might be forgiven. Amen.

Mary Jane Hanson
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

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