The Wall of Separation

by | May 28, 2001 | Reconciliation

The testimony that touched my heart the most occurred when I ministered in Naples, Florida. Just before I spoke, a burly, middle-aged man stood up before the congregation and wept as he relayed his tragic story: “All my life I have felt like there was a wall between me and God. I would attend meetings where others sensed God’s presence, while I watched detached and numb. Even when I prayed there was no release or presence. Several weeks ago I was handed the book, The Bait of Satan. I read it in its entirety. I realized I had taken Satan’s bait years ago. I hated my mother for abandoning me when I was six months old. I realized I had to go to her and forgive. I called and spoke with her for only the second time in thirty-six years. I cried `Mom, I have held unforgiveness toward you all my life for giving me away.’ She began to weep and said, `Son, I have hated myself for the last thirty-six years for leaving you.”‘

He continued, “I forgave her, and she forgave herself; now we are reconciled.” Then came the exciting part. “Now the wall that separated me from God’s presence is gone!”

At this point, he just completely lost it and wept. He struggled to get these last words out, “Now I cry in the presence of God like a baby”

Bevere, John. The Bait of Satan. Lake Mary, Florida, Charisma House, 1997, p. xi


The Wall of Separation


