“Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son.” – Genesis 18:14 In June 1926, Raymond Edman, a twenty-six year old missionary was in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador. He and his wife had been married for just over a year and had an eight-week-old son when Raymond was stricken with typhoid fever and given up to die. Raymond’s legs had grown cold and he lapsed into a coma. His wife and friends were so sure of his imminent death that his wife, who didn’t have a black dress, dyed her wedding dress black for the expected funeral and a friend purchased a coffin in which to bury him.
But while these events were taking place in Ecuador, a Bible conference was taking place in Massachusetts 3,500 miles away. Dr. Joseph Evans, one of the leaders of that conference, began to feel a deepening burden to pray for Raymond. The group left off their study of the scriptures and began to engage in earnest prayer. They knew nothing of Raymond’s situation. They prayed through the lunch hour and into the middle of the afternoon until Evans exclaimed: “Praise the Lord! The victory is won!” Indeed, the victory had been won. Raymond regained his health that very day and lived forty-one more years and went on to become the fourth president of Wheaton College.
What difficulty are you wrestling with this day? Today in prayer, give all of your problems over to the Lord. Know that nothing is too hard for Him.
“If nothing is impossible to God, then we must ask ourselves a question, why do we panic, and why do we worry when bad things seem to happen. If God really is able to do anything, if nothing is truly impossible, then what’s wrong? The problem doesn’t lie with God. It’s not because He can’t do it. It’s because we don’t place ourselves in a position to receive from Him.” – Terry Owens
God’s Word: “For nothing is impossible with God.” – Luke 1:37
By Peter Kennedy, Copyright 2003, Devotional E-Mail DEVOTIONS IN GENESIS pkennedy@devotional.com